Last month our lovely trainer Darren set off on an adventure to London. Probably not quite along the lines of Dick Whittington, but close. He was heading for the Highfield offices for a day’s trainer training on the new Highfield Level 2 Award in Handling – Principles and Practice. As it turned out, all went well, and he made it back in one piece. Much to our relief!

The main differences between this new course, and the old Highfield Level 2 Award in Principles of Manual Handling (which is still available), are:

·         New Handling Techniques. No more waddling like a duck, trying to keep your back ridged and not looking at what you’re lifting. This stuff makes much more sense.

·         Time. The Principles and Practice course is a full day, meaning there is ample time to get in that really important practise.

·         Assessment. Principles and Practice is assessed practically, as well as having a written test. The Principles course is just a written test – not as good for a practical subject!

·         Accreditation. This new course is accredited by Highfield (as is the Level 2 Principles), and also by Ofqual (which the Level 2 Principles is not), meaning you get that extra certainty that the qualification is up to scratch and widely recognised.

Fast forward to last week, and it was Darren’s turn to do the training. 10 delegates, Friday morning, no one really wanting to be out of bed. The day starts with a big of general Health and Safety- why do we bother, who cares? Then moves on to cover lifting handling, pushing, pulling, and repetitive actions.

Here’s what the delegates said about the course: ‘All of the information was useful… no changes needed’ ‘This will help me in my role by giving me the right information to keep myself safe’ and ‘It was very informative and well presented.’ Just in case Darren’s head wasn’t big enough already!

If you are interested in booking your own Highfield Level 2 course, please have a look around the training section of the website, or contact us directly.

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